You Do Need to Prove Yourself… to You.

Kassandra Vaughn
3 min readApr 17, 2021

There’s a popular line of thinking in today’s world that goes something like this:

“You are worthy and deserving of all the best that life has to offer exactly as you are… You’re enough… You don’t have to do more to have more. Visualize what you want and it will come to you.”

And there’s some truth to the idea that you ARE worthy. In fact, we’re all worthy but the question becomes: Worthy of what? And when? And why? And how?

And this line of ‘magical thinking’ does nothing to answer any of those questions. This ‘law of attraction’ “You can have anything you want and you don’t have to work hard for it” line of thinking is an extreme response to the centuries in which most people were raised, socialized, and education to believe that who they are would NEVER be enough.

It’s a boomerang response to an extreme of socialization where people learned that the only way to get love or acceptance was to continuously strive to be something that they were told they inherently were NOT.

How sick is that?

At the same time, the ‘new’ myth of “You don’t have to work at anything. You don’t have to try hard. Everyone’s a winner” is equally as sick… and here’s why: You ARE worthy of great things AND you do have to work hard to turn potential into ACTUAL.

That’s the bottom line.

You’re not building anything great or creating a life that you feel you deserve without your direct, consistent, persistent involvement in the creation of those things and, no, you don’t have to prove to other people that you’re worthy of those things but you do have to prove to yourself, through DMA (Daily Massive Action) that you know just how worthy you are by the action steps you take and the identity you embody on a consistent basis.

At the end of the day, this is not about wishing for a thing and having it drop in your lap… and it’s also not about hustling until you are run ragged to show the world that you can work that hard. They’re both extremely destructive and detrimental to your life.

And, yet, here’s the bottom line:

After spending a lifetime husting for your worthiness, doing what other people want and expect of you, and working really hard to prove to others that you deserve what you have, you have missed a lifetime of actually proving your value, worth, and self-respect to the one person you do have to spend a lifetime proving that to: yourself.

So, no, you don’t have to prove that you’re worthy to others and, yes, you do, on a daily basis, have to prove that to yourself.

Bottom line: You won’t trust YOU until you live in such a way that validates your worthiness of that level of self-trust. #readthatagain


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Kassandra Vaughn

* Mindset Coach | Author | Soon-to-be Therapist * On a mission to help women 30 and above rebuild their self-worth & reclaim their power.