Why We Crave Deep But Keep Ourselves Stuck in Shallow

Kassandra Vaughn
4 min readNov 2, 2023

They call what we live in today a ‘digitally connected’ world.

But, what if the better way to describe it is living in a ‘digitally entangled’ world? Yes, we’re globally accessible but are we intimately connected?

And therein lies the problem.

We live in a world that, on its surface, pretends like having the ultimate level of online access makes the world our oyster and, yet, we’ve never lived in a time that feels so isolating and lonely.

When the feeling of loneliness is as prevalent among teenagers as it is among the elderly, let me help you out: we have a problem.

Human beings, as the research shows, are wired for connection… and, yet, we are operating in a way that pretends that likes and follows are the same as sitting across a table from someone and sharing a good laugh.

They are not the same.

Most people crave deep, fulfilling connections that involve being truly seen, heard, known and understood… and you’ll never find that depth of connection on social media. You won’t feel deeply understood by people who only get to see the best face you’re putting forward.



Kassandra Vaughn

* Mindset Coach | Author | Soon-to-be Therapist * On a mission to help women 40 and above rebuild their self-worth & reclaim their power.