Who’s Holding Space For You?

Kassandra Vaughn
2 min readJan 28, 2023

The epidemic of loneliness in the world is real… and frightening…

Never before have we lived in a world where we have the most digital access and the least personal connection. You get a front row seat at the curated lives of people you went to grade school with and, yet, you may have no clue what emotional battles your closest siblings are fighting through.

You watch IG reels learning how to make sumptuous meals from from famous TV chefs… and, yet, in real life you’re so consumed by time spent on YouTube and Tik Tok that you can’t remember the last time you cooked a real meal.

We are living in a world big on how a life ‘looks’ and ever so tiny on how that life actually ‘feels’… and then we wonder why people suffer in silence, why people give up on themselves, on their dreams, and even on life itself.

We forget that “It takes a village” is a REAL TRUTH that cannot be ignored… and the success of our planet depends on our collective ability to return to that way of living.

So the question then becomes “Who’s holding space for you?”

Who can you call at 3 o’clock in the morning when you can’t sleep because life has you stressed or a breakup has you in tears? Who can you text at all hours of the day and night to celebrate your small (or big) wins, to share your new ideas…



Kassandra Vaughn

* Mindset Coach | Author | Soon-to-be Therapist * On a mission to help women 40 and above rebuild their self-worth & reclaim their power.