Not Achieving Your Goals? Work Harder…

Kassandra Vaughn
3 min readDec 6, 2021

This is something I know for a fact: You have to work hardest for the things you love most. — Dr. Carol Dweck

Whenever I find myself not achieving my goals or not making progress at the level I expected to, I have to stop myself from going into a judgmental, shaming internal dialogue. In moments when things aren’t going as well or as fast as I would like, my natural default is to reprimand myself and say something like “You know what you need to do and you know what it takes. Stop making excuses, stop wasting time, and get to work!”

But, I’ve tried that thousands of times and guess what? Criticism doesn’t help anyone improve if criticism is all that’s offered.

Do you know what works?

Re-evaluating 3 things:

1. The level of work that’s achieving the current result.

2. The level of work that’s required to achieve the desired result.

3. What needs to change to shift from the current level of action to the level of action required to make progress faster than you’ve been.

And that sounds really simple, doesn’t it? That’s because it is. But, simple doesn’t equate to easy.

So here’s how this looks like in real life:

Step 1: Determine what your ONE Thing is.

What’s your #1 goal right now? Yes, just one goal.

Step 2: Outline the actions that will get you to the goal.

What are the actions that need to be taken in the next three months to achieve the goal? What are the monthly and weekly goals based on the three month timeline?

Step 3: How much time have you invested in working on the goal?

In the last month, on average, how many hours have you put into working on this ONE goal each week? Based on the results you achieved last month, is that enough time… or do you need to work harder and put in more hours?

Step 4: Are you willing to change the hours you put in… or the due date for achieving the goal?

If you want to achieve the goal by a certain date and your current level of effort isn’t getting the desired level of progress, you have one option: work harder.

Add more hours, create a more focused environment, and get better at doing more in less time.

If you’re unwilling to work harder, then it’s time to decide that you’re willing to have the goal take longer to achieve.

Are you willing to extend the due date for your goal based on the current level of progress you’re delivering? If the answer is ‘No’, then accept that more hours and more focus are required starting right now.

At the end of the day, most people don’t want to accept how simple goal achievement actually is and how easily you can pinpoint the cause of not making the level of progress desired.

If you want more, you have to invest more…

And, in many cases, that boils down to more hours each week, more focus each day, and cutting out the distractions that are stealing your progress, whether they be people, places, or thoughts.

Your achievement level is not a product of what you wish for. It will always be a product of what you work for…





Kassandra Vaughn

* Mindset Coach | Author | Soon-to-be Therapist * On a mission to help women 30 and above rebuild their self-worth & reclaim their power.