How to Allow Your Best Life In

Kassandra Vaughn
3 min readMay 5, 2020

What does your best life look like?

When you close your eyes, can you see it, feel it, taste it, touch it? Or do you find yourself wondering what even a ‘good’ life looks like?

Here’s the reality: Everything that makes up your ‘best’ life are things that only you can cultivate.

Whatever your great life contains (love, joy, abundance, peace, vitality, strength, passion, purpose, you name it), those things require that you allow them in, that you cultivate them when they come in and that you maintain the role of being the catalyst for all of those things to flourish in your life.

Your greatest life is completely dependent upon what you are willing to allow in.

So… when you’ve never experienced your best life, when you find yourself in an uncomfortable phase of life, when your back is against the wall and you feel like everything is getting worse (and nothing’s getting better), how do you ‘allow’ your best life in?

Here are 5 ways to do that:

1. Look for things to appreciate.

The fact that you woke up this morning… The smell of rain… A phenomenal breakfast… A movie that cracked you up… Look for anything and everything to appreciate on a DAILY basis. The appreciation alone will bring more things into your life to appreciate.

Remember: What you focus on grows…

2. Carve out 30 minutes a day to work on a passion project.

Have you wanted to write a book for forever? Have you wanted to learn how to play the guitar since you were five? Have you wanted to start hiking because you live close to an amazing hiking trail? Now is the time to give yourself 30 minutes (not much time at all) to focus on a passion project that you’ve said for YEARS you wanted to do. Don’t wait. Don’t say “When I get time…”

You’ll get time when you MAKE time. Do it now…

3. Plan an adventure.

Everyone loves adventure. Whether that’s a vacation you plan to take to Hawaii in three years or a hunt for an antique all over your state over a weekend, create opportunities to go on adventures in your life. Do one adventure a month for 12 consecutive months and see how much greatness you allow into your life. A LOT!

4. Love people unconditionally.

You were born to love and be loved. To allow a great life in, you have to be willing to be exactly who you are and who you are is LOVING. That doesn’t mean you give out love on a “I give you to and you give to me” basis. That’s not unconditional. It means you walk through life loving because it feels amazing to YOU to love, not because you’re expecting love back in equal measure. The more you love from an unconditional place, the more you allow your best life in.

At the end of the day, the ONLY reason you showed up here was to LOVE, essentially to be FULLY you by loving. Don’t worry about what other people are not giving you.

Give love because that’s who you are…

5. Free up space in your life for better to show up.

So many people are afraid to let go of what is (even when what is is toxic or crappy) out of a fear that they won’t ever get better. Not so! And, in fact, the longer you hold onto what is NOT for you, the longer you repel what IS or you. To allow great things in, your life has to have space for them.

Create space by letting go of anything and everything that no longer serves you. Open up the space and let it be space for a time. Be patient and feel the openness of a life that doesn’t have to be cluttered by unsatisfying relationships, connections and things.

Give your life room to breathe and see what happens… You’ll see quickly that better comes along pretty fast!


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Kassandra Vaughn

* Mindset Coach | Author | Soon-to-be Therapist * On a mission to help women 30 and above rebuild their self-worth & reclaim their power.