3 Ways to Use Your Intuition to Ask Powerful Coaching Questions

Kassandra Vaughn
5 min readNov 11, 2023

When I was a new coach, I felt like I needed to be completely on point to effectively work with clients.

At the time, I wouldn’t have called it perfection but, deep down, that was what I was going for. I wanted to handle every single coaching client with care. I wanted to be on time for every call, be fully present in every moment and I especially wanted to ask all of the right coaching questions at the exact right moments… only… in demanding perfection of myself as a coach, I robbed my clients (in those early years) of the ability to experience me (the REAL me) as their coach…

And it took me a number of years to see that my quest for ‘perfect’ coaching was taking away from my ability to coach each client well… and nowhere was that error in approach more clear than in the way I used to ask coaching questions.

When I first started coaching, I had a long list of coaching questions and, as I went through a call, I’d go through the coaching process by sticking pretty strictly to the coaching cadence I’d learned through my ICF approved coaching program:

1. I’d greet the client.

2. I’d set the coaching agreement.

3. I’d move into discovery.



Kassandra Vaughn

* Mindset Coach | Author | Soon-to-be Therapist * On a mission to help women 40 and above rebuild their self-worth & reclaim their power.